
Acrílic on canvas

No importa cuantas idas y venidas tengamos en la vida, van a estar ahí queramos o no, lo que sí importa es aceptarlas y enfrentarlas con cariño, porque mientras sigamos vivos siempre habrá un bonito amanecer, una caricia o un abrazo de un ser querido e innumerables destinos que conocer. “Alive” trata sobre la presencia y sobre los matices bonitos de la vida.


No matter how many comings and goings we have in life, they will be there whether we want them or not, what matters is to accept them and face them with affection, because as long as we are alive there will always be a beautiful sunrise, a caress or a hug from a loved person and countless destinations to know. «Alive» is about presence and about the beautiful nuances of life.

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